Works on Paper > Letters To Shakespeare

Hello Shakespeare: A Hot Bath
Hello Shakespeare: A Hot Bath
oil on paper

Hello Shakespeare.
I’d like to discuss transformation. Start with local produce – cabbage and scallion and radish into kimchi, changing the way a person eats/ cooks, guiding choices. Transforming our health.
You can change the world with a hot bath, writes Anne Lamott in “Small Victories”. Maybe so.
Maybe, though, I’m homeless or a hungry four legged elephant, live in Sierra Leone or an American reporter in Kabul, maybe a Syrian refugee.
I’m restless with the possibilities of why a hot bath might not work.
But, here’s what might: Metaphor.
For some, thinking about a hot bath, new running shoes for the endorphin addict, a bowl of fermented cabbage for those who believe the gut-as-brain theory, should be nurtured for it’s pivotal stature. Fair is foul and foul is fair can coax you on an Alice in Wonderland journey, suggest the meaning of a deeper life and prompt you to deal with conflict. The Macbeth witches matter to us – buried deep inside our imaginations and intuitive prowess.
Oh, and..
Know things. About yourself. The facts. So that you might get to know what works for you and therefore, others. If you had Macbeth serving up kimchi, how different the outcome at the banquet when Banquo’s ghost…whoops….maybe there would have been no ghost because you told it differently.
All the stages, all the days, the tomorrows, the confusions of fair and foul, they’re temporary. Yet, each stage, each day, each moment of our lives is a swinging door. Walk the walk, arriving somewhere, on someone’s stage .
On your stage, Will.